Benefits of Toastmasters

Toastmasters District Contest
We are one day away from the International Speech Contest District 26 competition here in Denver Colorado on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Eight finalists representing more than 150 clubs throughout Colorado, Wyoming and western Nebraska will speak for 5-7 minutes to see who will leave with the big trophy and advance to the International championship in Las Vegas this August!

Competitors first had to win the contest at their club level, then advanced to the area, where a person usually competes against 3-5 contestants from other clubs. The winner from there advances to the Division contest, where the competition… Read Full Post »

Thermometer in the summer heatYou’ve been thinking about it for a while now. You know you need to try something new. People at work may have even told you it’s time to do something. Even your family has been spurring you on. But, for some reason, another month…another year maybe…has slipped by and you still haven’t taken the plunge to join a Toastmasters club.

July and August months are the perfect time to join. Here are several reasons why:

1. Things might be slower at work – If your workload has slowed down a bit this summer, it’s the perfect time for you to… Read Full Post »

Speaking at Networking EventYou’re at a business event sitting casually at one of the many round tables as your plate of chicken breast, asparagus, and mashed potatoes with gravy is delivered. Finally, everyone at your table is served their plate so you can dig in!

Suddenly, a tap on the shoulder.

It’s the event program chair.

“Sir/Maam,” she says.

“I understand you have some insights on (fill in your topic of expertise). Our dinner speaker is going to be about 15 minutes late and I was told you might be willing to share your knowledge with the group to fill up five minutes… Read Full Post »

I’ve been playing around with flyers and handouts for my Toastmasters club and came up with this idea. What do you think Toastmasters? If you were to be handed this by your boss or see it on a bulletin board or lying on a chair at Starbucks, would it get you curious enough to visit the GeorgeSuttonToastmasters website?

Toastmasters Flyer - What if You Could Have

Here’s a link to the pdf if you’d like to get a copy and print it or send it to someone you know that should come and visit our club in Aurora Colorado. Guests are always welcome!

On August 22, the George Sutton Toastmasters club will be conducting its club Evaluation and Tall Tales competition. Since we usually have the Evaluation and “Humorous Speech” contest this time of year, I’d like to provide an introduction to what a Tall Tales contest is and describe a basic outline of what makes a “good” tall tales speech, fit for winning a Toastmasters competition. Then I’ll provide one of the best examples I found on YouTube for you to analyze and emulate in your own speech preparation.

Why Do We Have a Tall Tales Toastmasters Contest?

When someone asks me… Read Full Post »