Benefits of Toastmasters

Aurora Colorado Toastmasters Club

More than 350,000 current members today once walked through the door for the first time to at least one of 16,000 Toastmasters clubs around the world and made the life changing decision to join. The process of joining a Toastmasters club is made simple when following these steps.

  1. Commit yourself to one full year of active membership to a Toastmasters club. Planning to only being part of Toastmasters for a month or two, or until you begin to feel more comfortable presenting, will shortchange your experience. It would be like deciding to learn how to ride a bike, but only… Read Full Post »

I can tackle anything photo

I joined Toastmasters because I was faced with presenting at a conference on compassion fatigue and depression in veterinary medicine. I was asked to tell my own story, and I feared that I would not be able to do so without excessive, distracting emotional outbursts.

Toastmasters gave me the courage to stand up and speak my own truth, to celebrate my individuality in a public forum, and to own emotion as a way to connect with my audience. I learned that audiences want to see the emotion and understand what I’ve been through. Hiding that wasn’t necessary.

This practice in… Read Full Post »

Why should you practice your public speaking and presentation skills at least once per week?

Stress and anxiety image related to public speaking

The short answer to this question is because speaking and presentation skills are developed over time. You can’t just read a book or take a 3-session speech class and expect much of your skills to improve or last. Speaking skills must be practiced ongoing or your skills will start to fade.

For ongoing speaking practice and improvement in a supportive environment, Toastmasters clubs are still one of the only options. Many people have thought about visiting a Toastmasters club but just haven’t taken that next… Read Full Post »

You can become a better speaker by joining and participating in any active Toastmasters club. But, the George Sutton Toastmasters club has a habit of producing STARS!

Our latest evidence of this truth is Hazel Ramsbotham. She joined out club at age “82” (now 86) because she was starting a new business and wanted to improve her speaking. Just today, I picked up on her first Facebook Live broadcast…from Dubai…where she gets asked to speak by the event organizer for the event she’s simply attending!


Listen to her story and her amazing speaking skills she’s developed and watch her surprise… Read Full Post »

Don't panic when faced with a tough topic in speaking
If you were to invite me to your house for dinner and I immediately took on a look of disgust and commented how dirty your house was and started blurting out, “Eew Gross! What kind of paint job is that on your walls?” What would happen? I probably wouldn’t make it to the dinner table. You’d throw me right out the front door in disgust!

Then, why did every speaker at both Democratic and Republican National Conventions have that disgusted look on their face covering from A-Z why you shouldn’t vote for “the other guy?”

Don’t they realize anyone on… Read Full Post »